Plugin sidebarTabs

Permitir a criação e inserção na sidebar de seu blog de instâncias do plugin que pode, cada uma, conter o número de abas desejadas na horizontal ou vertical. Cada aba funciona como um “container” para qualquer outro widget do WordPress. Assim, por exemplo, você poderá criar uma aba para os últimos comentários, outra para os posts recentes, outra para as categorias, e assim por diante, para uma dada instância do plugin (widget).


  • Múltiplas instâncias;
  • O layout de cada instância pode ser definido como horizontal ou vertical;
  • Layout das abas para instância horizontal: fixo sem ícones, fixo com ícones, rolável (scrollable) sem ícones e rolável com ícones;
  • Possibilidade de selecionar os cantos das abas entre 18 opções geradas com o uso do plugin jQuery Corner;
  • Definição do peso, tamanho e família da fonte das abas para as instâncias vertical e horizontal sem ícones.



O sidebarTabs utiliza em sua funcionalidade:


  1. Vá para o painel de administração do WordPress e use a opção “Adicionar Novo” do menu “Plugins”. Clique em “Fazer Upload”, selecione o arquivo zip que você baixou e clique no botão “Instalar Agora”.
  2. Tudo o que você precisar fazer após isso é ativar o plugin sidebarTabs.
  3. Para mais informações, veja “Installing Plugins” article on the WordPress Codex.
  4. Veja o item seguinte para instruções adicionais.


  1. Arraste os widgets que comporão a inteface de cada instância do sidebarTabs para a área de Widgets Inativos em “Aparência” > “Widgets”, configure-os e salve-os sempre.
  2. Vá para “Configurações” > “sidebarTabs” e configure os argumentos padrões (botão Default args) de acordo com as necessidades do seu tema.
  3. Clique em “sidebarTabs Options” para definir as cores de suas abas e demais parâmetros.
  4. Crie as abas clicando no botão “Criar nova sidebarTab”.
  5. Agora, o sidebarTabs pode ser usado como um widget em “Aparência” > “Widgets”, onde você poderá criar quantas instâncias desejar, arrastando-o e posicionando-o nas sidebars existentes em seu tema.

Para maiores detalhes veja os screenshots, exibidos em forma de galeria, que contêm os procedimentos para configurar o plugin e criar suas instâncias.


  • Para exibir o título de um widget de uma determinada aba (sidebarTab) retire do argumento “Before Title” correspondente a classe “widget_title”.
  • Para customizar o conteúdo de uma aba (sidebarTab) basta acrescentar no argumento “Before Widget” correspondente uma classe CSS que você utiliza em seu tema conforme mostrado a seguir: class=’widget %2$s nome_da_classe‘.


  • Se o upgrade não for realizado pelo procedimento automático do WordPress, desative o plugin e substitua os arquivos;
  • Vá para “Configurações” > “sidebarTabs”, clique em “sidebarTabs Options”, ajuste as opções e salve;
  • Defina os novos parâmetros da instância já criada ou crie outras em “Aparência” > “Widgets” de acordo com sua conveniência e salve, seguindo os procedimentos indicados nos screenshots.


  • Version 2.0.1 (02-11-2010)
    • Corrigido o erro quando duas instâncias verticais são criadas e apenas uma funcionava corretamente. Erro indicado por Harold nos comentários, obrigado;
    • Corrigido o erro no arquivo CSS (styleSidebar.php): peso da fonte das abas;
    • Criada uma opção para customizar o fundo das abas verticais: padrão e de acordo com as cores definidas para as abas (preview);
  • Version 2.0 (31-10-2009)
    • Incluída a possibilidade de criação de múltiplas instâncias;
    • Exibição das instâncias em layout horizontal e vertical;
    • Seleção dos cantos das abas entre 18 opções com o uso do plugin jQuery Corner;
    • Parametrização da fonte das abas: peso, tamanho e família.
  • Version 1.3.1 (03-10-2009)
    • Corrigido erro no arquivo CSS do plugin – posição das setas no layout “rolável sem ícones”.
  • 1.3 (27-09-2009)Introduzida a possibilidade de escolha para exibição da interface do plugin. Agora, você pode selecionar o layout entre as quatro opções a seguir:
    1. Abas fixas sem ícones,
    2. Abas fixas com ícones,
    3. Abas roláveis sem ícones,
    4. Abas roláveis com ícones.
  • Versão 1.1.2 (18-09-2009)
    • Pequenas alterações no arquivo de tradução para o Português do Brasil.
    • Corrigido erros na folha de estilos do plugin. Exemplos: a cor do texto nos painéis e na instrução li:before usada em alguns temas.
    • Corrigido erro no preview das abas ativa, inativa e mouse over na “sidebarTabs Options”.
    • Incluída a opção “Cor do texto nos painéis”. Veja “sidebarTabs Options”.
  • Versão 1.1.1 (13-09-2009)
    • Corrigido erro ao carregar a biblioteca jQuery Tools.
  • Versão 1.1 (10-09-2009)
    • Introduzido o uso de abas roláveis.
    • Alterações na interface do plugin.
    • Incluído arquivo (po/mo) de tradução para o Português do Brasil

Put widgets into tabbed interface in sidebar.

Allow the creation and insertion in the sidebar of his blog of instances the plugin which can, each, contain the desired number of tabs in horizontal or vertical. Each tab works as a “container” for any other widget of WordPress. For example, you can create a tab for the most recent comments, one for recent posts, one for categories, and so on, for a given instance of the plugin (widget).


  • Multiple instances;
  • The layout of each instance can be defined as horizontal or vertical;
  • Layout of tabs – horizontal instance: fixed without icons, fixed with icons, scrollable without icons and scrollable with icons;
  • Possibility to select the corners of the tabs between 18 options generated by jQuery Corner plugin;
  • Definition of font weight, font size and font family of tabs for the instances vertical and horizontal without icons.



The sidebarTabs uses for its functionality:


  1. Go to WordPress admin panel, and use the “Add new” option under Plugins Menu. Click on the “upload” item, choose the “sidebarTabs” zip file you downloaded and click on the “install now” button.
  2. All you need to do after that is navigate to your blog’s administration panel, go in the plugins section and enable sidebarTabs.
  3. For more information, see the “Installing Plugins” article on the WordPress Codex.
  4. See the next item for additional instructions.


  1. Drag the widgets that compose the sidebarTabs to the area of Inactive Widgets under “Design” > “Widgets”, settings and always save.
  2. Go to “Settings” > “sidebarTabs” and settings the standard arguments (args Default button) according to the needs of your theme.
  3. Click in “sidebarTabs Options” to adjust the colors of your tabs and other parameters.
  4. Create tabs by clicking in the button “Create New sidebarTabs”.
  5. Now, sidebarTabs can be used as regular widgets under “Design” > “Widgets”, where you can create as many instances you want by dragging it and placing it in the existing sidebars in your theme.

For more details see the screenshots, display as a gallery, which contains the procedures to configure the plugin and create their instances.


  • To display the title of a widget in a particular tab (sidebarTab) remove of argument “Before Title” correspondent, the class “widget_title”.
  • To customize panel of a tab just add in the argument “Before Widget” correspondent, a CSS class that you use in your theme as shown following: class=’widget %2$s name_of_class‘.


  • If the upgrade is not performed by the automatic procedure of WordPress, deactivate the plugin and replace the files;
  • Go to “Settings > sidebarTabs”, click in “sidebarTabs Options” to adjust the values and save it;
  • Set the new parameters of the instance already created or create others in “Design”> “Widgets” according to your convenience and save, following the procedures indicated in the screenshots.


  • Version 3.0 (05-01-2010)
    • Added option “Layout of horizontal tabs” in the instance of the plugin;
    • Added option to remember the last open tab (cookies);
    • Added option to set the expiration time for cookies;
    • For more details on the changes in this version go to page Plugin sidebarTabs 3.0.
  • Version 2.1 (03-06-2010)
    • Added the option “Display in sidebar” in the instance of the plugin;
    • Implemented new uses of the plugin. See further details and an example;
    • Added in the parameter “Background of vertical tabs” in “sidebarTabs Options” the option “Normal”;
    • Added the parameter “Background of horizontal tabs” in “sidebarTabs Options” with values “gradient” and “normal”;
    • Added a field in the “sidebarTabs Options” to include the margin (CSS) of the instances of plugin.
  • Version 2.0.1 (02-11-2010)
    • Fixed bug where two vertical instances are created and only one worked correctly. Error indicated by Harold in the comments, thanks;
    • Fixed bug in the CSS file (styleSidebar.php): font-weight of tabs;
    • Created an option to customize the background of vertical tabs: standard and in accordance with the definition of colors the tabs (preview).
  • Version 2.0 (31-10-2009)
    • Including the possibility of creating multiple instances;
    • Display the instances in horizontal and vertical layout;
    • Selection of the corners the tabs between 18 options using the jQuery Corner plugin;
    • Parameterization of font the tabs: weight, size and family.
  • Version 1.3.1 (10-03-2009)
    • Fixed bug in the css stylesheet file of plugin – position of arrows in layout “Scrollable without icons”.
  • Version 1.3 (09-27-2009)Introduced the possibility to choice of display layout of plugin interface. Now, you can choose the layout among of the four options below:
    1. Fixed tabs without icons,
    2. Fixed tabs with icons,
    3. Scrollable tabs without icons,
    4. Scrollable tabs with icons.
  • Version 1.2 (09-21-2009)
    • Introduced possibility of use icons in the tabs instead name.
  • Version 1.1.2 (09-18-2009)
    • Small corrections in the file translation for the Portuguese of Brazil.
    • Fixed errors in the css stylesheet of plugin. Examples: the text color in the panes and the li:before instruction used in some themes.
    • Fixed bug in the preview of the tabs active, inactive and mouse over in the “sidebarTabs Options”.
    • Included the option “Text color in the panes”. See “sidebarTabs Options”.
  • Version 1.1.1 (09-13-2009)
    • Fixed bug in loading jQuery Tools library.
  • Version 1.1 (09-10-2009)
    • Introduced the use of scrollable tabs.
    • Changes in the plugin interface.
    • Included files (po/mo) translation to Portuguese of Brazil.

Evento: Plugin sidebarTabs - Multiple Instances


172 Comentários

  1. Plug-in, Why not? | Motivational Quotes, Inspiring Stories, Blog Tips and Health Link
    abr 30, 2010 @ 08:51:00

    […] Comments 15. Viper's Video Quicktags 16. What Would Seth Godin Do 17. WordPress Related Posts 18. SideBar Tab 19. WP PageNavi and more… You can pass these links to anyone else you think might find them […]


  2. suncat100
    abr 28, 2010 @ 05:19:32

    Nice! How did you make those TABS in the content of your page/post though? Through some other plugin, or just by some sidebar-to-page plugin?


  3. ryan
    abr 27, 2010 @ 21:35:52


    I would like to make ajax tabs like in postTabs or your plugin in my post page (single.php)

    But I need to transform variable in single.php (ex. “var_content_with_tags”) into (ex “var_content_with_tabs”)

    var_content_with_tags – sth like [tab:MainTab] content() [tab:Video Gallery] // generate video gallery from custom fields [tab: END]

    var_content_with_tabs – html output code with working ajax tabs ;)

    I would like to use function from functions.php file (ex. change_to_tabs(var_content_with_tags)

    but I’m not enough good in php/ajax/js to create my own function so I would like to use some function from postTabs or your plugin.

    Can you help me to figure out which functions from either of these plugins I need to copy to my functions.php file?


  4. Matt K-P
    abr 26, 2010 @ 15:51:18

    Hello, I am using the sidebarTabs plugin with great effect, however the tabs do not seem to work in Internet Explorer 7 (IE7).

    In place of the tabs, the following error message displays in the sidebar:



  5. Shain
    abr 26, 2010 @ 15:47:04

    Yes I have deactivate the plugins and now it working ! Might be conflict with jquery

    Anyways ! is any php code for call anywhere in blog



  6. Shain
    abr 25, 2010 @ 17:21:58

    Great plug in it is! and deserve to be placed in popular plug in list.

    I am trying to figure out the problem, plug in is not working with my theme
    I think it is either of theme problem or J-query conflict.

    Any Help appreciated!


  7. Plugin sidebarTabs | WpMash - WordPress News
    abr 24, 2010 @ 05:03:43

    […] See the rest here: Plugin sidebarTabs […]


  8. Marie Denee
    abr 22, 2010 @ 20:33:15

    I am daving the darndest time with my sidebar tabs! I have clicked and unclicked the yes buttons in the sidebar tabs and I am stil having this weird thing with a double box with my sidebar, can you guys help me please!?!


  9. Trisha
    abr 22, 2010 @ 03:49:59

    It worked for a minute… The tabs are showing and clickable. The content inside the tabs isnt showing up. Ive tried switching to horizontal, deactivating all plugins, using it on the default theme, deleting all instances and resetting. Anyone know whats happening here?

    This plugin is so awesome, and the default style matches my clients template perfectly… its like it was meant to be. Someone, please help me get this working.



  10. stuckwithTabs
    abr 21, 2010 @ 22:13:08

    mmm just sent this but didn’t seem to go through, sorry if it is a repeat:

    the plugin is fantastic, super easy to install and get up and running. there is 1 issue i’m having with it though: i’ve created 2 tabs -categories tab1 and recent posts as tab2. whenever i click in any of the links from tab 2, it always switches back to tab 1 after everything loads. is it possible to eliminate this, so it always stays in it’s tab until the user switches it?
    thanks a million


  11. stuckwithTabs
    abr 21, 2010 @ 22:09:51

    This plugin is fantastic, super easy to get running. The one issue I’m having with it though, is that it always reverts back from the second tab to the first one:
    I’m using 2 widgets: recent posts (tab 1) and categories (tab 2). If I go to tab 2 and click on one of the categories, the tab switches to tab 1. Is there any way of avoiding this, so it always remains on the right tab, even after clicking on a link? This does not happen while on tab 1, it always stays on it.
    I currently have no other plugins installed, so I’m sure there isn’t any conflict.
    Thanks a bunch


  12. Paula
    abr 17, 2010 @ 10:25:36

    This is what it looks like everywhere else

    This is what it looks like on the profile page only


  13. Paula
    abr 16, 2010 @ 22:30:02

    Great plugin.

    It works everywhere for me except on the user profile page (that uses the plugin mingle). I can’t really figure out the problem.

    Thank you for your help


  14. Benny the Irish polyglot
    abr 15, 2010 @ 19:54:34

    Oi, tudo bem?! Gostei muito do plugin!!

    Just that I’m having similar problems to some other people – I tried disabling other plugins, I tried removing the e-mail subscription form, and removing other sidebars, but I still can’t do anything other than see the first tab, with other ones unclickable.

    It seems the issue is with a conflict in my theme, because the sidebar works great with everything activated on the default WordPress theme. I’d appreciate any thoughts on what I should change in the theme to help it to work!! :)


  15. Mike
    abr 13, 2010 @ 03:43:38

    nevermind…seems to have worked itself out


  16. Mike
    abr 13, 2010 @ 02:15:52

    Can’t seem to get the vertical tab to close. Currently testing one out at the bottom of my sidebar. It is always open. I can click it only once and it goes through the motion of closing and reopens auto. After that initial click, it remains open and inactive. Any thoughts?



  17. Ntan
    abr 12, 2010 @ 16:05:50

    The plugin is working perfectly in default theme however it is not functional On Thesis theme. For example the pages widget shoes all the pages with active links, but the widget below (vertical view) would not open up.


  18. Harald
    abr 12, 2010 @ 00:54:42

    Thank you very much for the latest update to the plugin. The function with that the name shows for the widget is the best. I have had a lot of problem in the past knowing what text widget is the one I am looking for. No longer thanks to your change. Again thanks.


  19. Adam
    abr 11, 2010 @ 20:20:29


    Thanks so much! I removed that line and it works perfectly now. Excellent plugin! Great support.



  20. nik
    abr 11, 2010 @ 17:02:40

    All the widgets go in the sideBar plugin, but all the widgets display below them, so they are in the right sidebar twice, this really defeats the purpose of the plugin. any help?


  21. Newton de Góes Horta
    abr 11, 2010 @ 10:45:39


    It is a conflict between the “jquery-ui” and “jQuery Tools” libraries . The first is used to display the banner at the top of the page. The second is used by the sidebarTabs plugin. Both have jQuery.tabs them. Resolved in version 2.3.


    In your case the problem is caused by MailChimp Signup Form which loads an older version of jQuery library:

    ! – Begin MailChimp Signup Form ->

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””> </ script>

    If possible, remove or comment the line above and test.


  22. Adam
    abr 10, 2010 @ 18:51:34

    I’m having the same problem that Jim mentions just a few comments below:

    “I’ve tried different things but I cannot see the posts unless it’s in vertical. For vertical, it only shows for the first tab but not for the 2nd or 3rd.

    I would prefer to use it in horizontal, but it is only showing the name and nothing else.”

    I’m happy to use the vertical layout, but nothing happens when I click on the 2nd or 3rd tabs. It works perfectly in the preview on my admin page, though. Any ideas? Please check it out at my site and let me know if you’ve got a solution. I really want to use this plugin because it does seem pretty great.


  23. Betabondieu
    abr 06, 2010 @ 19:25:41


    In ‘Paris sportifs’ i did put my list ‘pages-2’ which is also the widget ‘Pages’ and also

    In poker i would like to include differrent pages.
    In Turf it is the same i would like to include different pages.

    Finally i would like the ability to create a list ‘pages-3’ another one ‘pages-4’ … that i would use in Sidebartabs.

    Or i should be able to specify in Sidebartabs code :

    for Tab Name ‘Paris sportifs’
    for Tab Name ‘Poker’ alors
    for Tab Name ‘Turf’ alors

    etc … but i am not sure if i will find ‘php wp_list_pages’ several times in ‘sidebartabs/sidebarTabs.php’ or in another file ???

    Any help please how to do so ?


  24. fff fr
    abr 03, 2010 @ 12:17:22

    Its is a very good plugin, very functional, il will adopt it. Thanks a lot.


  25. Newton de Góes Horta
    abr 01, 2010 @ 10:12:36

    Hi dubcomm,

    In “sidebarTabs Options” > “Default arguments before and after your widget theme” select “Yes”, save and test.

    Please let me know the result.


  26. dubcomm
    mar 31, 2010 @ 23:21:30

    Great Plugin!!

    I’m having an issue with it on one of my websites however, I think its the same issue listed here: , though the solution doesn’t seem to work for me…

    There is a large gap between the tabs and the actual content of the widgets, and no amount of messing with the options has gotten it working, a headsup would be great,



  27. Jim
    mar 22, 2010 @ 04:15:14

    Thank you Newton, lovely plugin. I’ve tried different things but I cannot see the posts unless it’s in vertical. For vertical, it only shows for the first tab but not for the 2nd or 3rd.

    I would prefer to use it in horizontal, but it is only showing the name and nothing else.

    Am I doing something wrong? I followed your exact instruction on installing.


  28. bea
    mar 16, 2010 @ 11:17:47

    Thank you Newton, your plugin is perfect and you are very are very kind! Thank you very much bea.


  29. bea
    mar 15, 2010 @ 20:12:30

    Hallo, I tried using your plugin but in my slidebar can see only the titles and not the list of articles containing. Can you help me?


  30. Patrick
    mar 15, 2010 @ 13:13:26

    I can’t see the plug-in in IE7, it works fine n IE8, any ideas ?


  31. Newton de Góes Horta
    mar 14, 2010 @ 13:35:09


    Published a new version with fix the problem mentioned by you. Thanks again.


  32. Clifton
    mar 13, 2010 @ 14:37:14

    UPDATE: Newton responded and fixed the problem I was having and did it with class! :) I just wanted anyone else reading this to know that if you were or are having this problem, a fix is coming shortly.

    I really appreciate the communication I had with Newton. Great job. Great job.



  33. Clifton
    mar 10, 2010 @ 19:39:09

    Your plugin keeps breaking my sidebar layout. I have default arguments before and after each widget in my theme functions and they work fine on every widget except the one created by your plugin.

    It seems like its missing a closing or something after being generated. Anyways I like the idea of your plugin, but it doesn’t seem to work in my layout. I checked out the code in sidebarTabs.php and on line 194 where $op is called, I added the code that is in my $after_widget and it worked for the Vertical and doing the same for Horizontal on line 192 works. The problem with that is that it’s hard coded. So if you update this plugin, then I have to keep doing that and that’s not cool.

    Is your plugin overwriting the $before_widget and $after_widget variables? It makes sense that it would for the widgets that are displayed within the sidebarTab widget, but the problem is that the final output of the sidebarTabs widget needs to keep the original $before_widget and $after_widget intact. As it stands, its not doing that.

    I checked this various ways and times and I’m sure this is what’s happening. Anyways, thanks for your hard work on a great plugin. I just thought I would point this out, because many people never even use the $before_widget and $after_widget variables in their theme layout, but I thought if it happened to me then I’m sure this could occur to others.



  34. Newton de Góes Horta
    mar 03, 2010 @ 21:27:22


    In the next version I will add the possibility to not use the gradient on the tabs. To adjust now, replace the line:

    105 background: url(‘images/h30.png’) repeat-x 0 0;


    105 background: ;

    in the styleSidebar.php file.

    If you have difficulties to fix the problem send me your correct e-mail via the contact form that I send for you the file with the change.


  35. Tommy
    mar 03, 2010 @ 20:29:04

    I am using horizonta tabs. I made the active tab background color to be white (#FFFFFF), but it always looks like it has a gradient to it. Is this a bug?


  36. Ken
    mar 02, 2010 @ 03:47:31

    I have an odd problem. I am using sidebarTabs with 2 tabs… both coming from text widgets-one has some cut and paste code from PayPal and the other has a shortcode from the “contact form 7” plugin (although the same happens with just plain text entered.)

    In Firefox,Chrome, Safari, all is good.

    In IE if the contact form (or text) is the default i.e. tab 1, then tab 2 (PayPal) is fine. However if the PayPal tab is default then the tab 2 content is empty.. (remember… does the same with just text entered!)
    I have been beating my head against a wall trying to figure out what’s going on.. disabling plugins, etc.

    Can you help???

    Thank you!!
    Ken Dawes


  37. mitch
    fev 25, 2010 @ 23:52:25

    Yes, by moving the amount to 99 (%), it seems to work fine with two different width widget areas. Excellent. I thought I had tried 100% before and it didn’t work, maybe I missed it. Thank you for your timely reply and thank you again for a great plugin… I’m spending loads of time thinking of all the ways I will use it.


  38. mitch
    fev 25, 2010 @ 04:48:37

    This plugin is so wonderful. I was so frustrated that I couldn’t get it to work right. Once I deactivated the Tabbed Widgets plugin, this works correctly. A masterpiece.

    I love the multi-use option… but I have a dilemma.

    I have added a widget “sidebar” in the middle of one of my page templates. I want to use this plugin there also. The “real” sidebar is 310 px. The “middle” sidebar area is 600px. Is there a way to have different width in a different placement?

    If not, no problems. I am just a happy camper to have it working at all. I love it. Thanks so much for this plugin.


  39. Sergio
    fev 23, 2010 @ 05:28:29

    How can I solved the issue of conflict with another plug-in . I read about about the possibility of an older version jQuery Liberary. How can look for this and how to solve this.

    Thank You



  40. Блоговод » Blog Archive » Tabs – экономия места в сайдбаре
    fev 11, 2010 @ 14:50:28

    […] sidebarTabs – новый плагин весьма перспективного плагин-девелопера из Бразилии. И хотя настройка плагина более сложная, чем у предыдущего, обилие настроек и возможностей значительно шире. Кроме того, этот плагин действительно не требует правки кода. […]


  41. T
    fev 08, 2010 @ 22:30:19


    Is there any way to load the plugin without using styles.



  42. Harald
    fev 08, 2010 @ 07:43:32

    I love your plugin. It works great. I like it so much to I would if possible like to put it not only in the sidebar but anywhere on a page. Do you have a suggestion of code I could use to do that.
    Take care,


  43. Tabs - экономия места в сайдбаре | Блоговод
    fev 04, 2010 @ 08:23:02

    […] sidebarTabs – новый плагин весьма перспективного плагин-девелопера из Бразилии. И хотя настройка плагина более сложная, чем у предыдущего, обилие настроек и возможностей значительно шире. Кроме того, этот плагин действительно не требует правки кода. […]


  44. T
    fev 03, 2010 @ 21:18:23


    I think you can do this by going to
    admin dashboard – settings – sidebartabs – sidebar options –
    then “Width sidebar of your theme” near the bottom


  45. T
    fev 03, 2010 @ 21:16:17

    Thanks for the help,

    I seem to be having another problem now.
    In some browsers like firefox the tabs load up fine,

    But when I use some versions of ie or google cjhrome I get a gap between the tabs and the content. I think this is because of my theme.
    Is there any way to get rid of this gap without changing my theme, maybe by changing the arg, not sure what to though?



  46. Red94
    fev 03, 2010 @ 16:25:51

    Is it possible to customize the code so that the width of the widget corresponds with the rest of the sidebar. My site is, and if you scroll down and look on the sidebar to the right, you can see how the widget seems out of place due to the width. How can I customize this?


  47. Newton de Góes Horta
    fev 02, 2010 @ 14:38:28


    The biggest problem of the functionality of plugin is the conflict generated by other plugins that load an older version of jQuery library. This was the case of Nicole, now resolved, as probably was his.


  48. T
    fev 02, 2010 @ 13:24:55

    seems to be working now,
    deactivated some plugins


  49. T
    fev 02, 2010 @ 13:01:16


    I think I’m having the same problem as Nicole from a month ago.
    The preview works fine in the admin dashboard settings.
    But the site only shows the tabs and not the content and nothing happens when you click on them.

    Any help would be much appreciated.



  50. minimus
    jan 31, 2010 @ 09:13:49

    Hi! Good work!

    But! Check sidebarTabs.php (lines 287, 295) for properly textdomain names …

    I made ru_RU translation for this plugin. How to send it for you?


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