Plugin sidebarTabs

Permitir a criação e inserção na sidebar de seu blog de instâncias do plugin que pode, cada uma, conter o número de abas desejadas na horizontal ou vertical. Cada aba funciona como um “container” para qualquer outro widget do WordPress. Assim, por exemplo, você poderá criar uma aba para os últimos comentários, outra para os posts recentes, outra para as categorias, e assim por diante, para uma dada instância do plugin (widget).


  • Múltiplas instâncias;
  • O layout de cada instância pode ser definido como horizontal ou vertical;
  • Layout das abas para instância horizontal: fixo sem ícones, fixo com ícones, rolável (scrollable) sem ícones e rolável com ícones;
  • Possibilidade de selecionar os cantos das abas entre 18 opções geradas com o uso do plugin jQuery Corner;
  • Definição do peso, tamanho e família da fonte das abas para as instâncias vertical e horizontal sem ícones.



O sidebarTabs utiliza em sua funcionalidade:


  1. Vá para o painel de administração do WordPress e use a opção “Adicionar Novo” do menu “Plugins”. Clique em “Fazer Upload”, selecione o arquivo zip que você baixou e clique no botão “Instalar Agora”.
  2. Tudo o que você precisar fazer após isso é ativar o plugin sidebarTabs.
  3. Para mais informações, veja “Installing Plugins” article on the WordPress Codex.
  4. Veja o item seguinte para instruções adicionais.


  1. Arraste os widgets que comporão a inteface de cada instância do sidebarTabs para a área de Widgets Inativos em “Aparência” > “Widgets”, configure-os e salve-os sempre.
  2. Vá para “Configurações” > “sidebarTabs” e configure os argumentos padrões (botão Default args) de acordo com as necessidades do seu tema.
  3. Clique em “sidebarTabs Options” para definir as cores de suas abas e demais parâmetros.
  4. Crie as abas clicando no botão “Criar nova sidebarTab”.
  5. Agora, o sidebarTabs pode ser usado como um widget em “Aparência” > “Widgets”, onde você poderá criar quantas instâncias desejar, arrastando-o e posicionando-o nas sidebars existentes em seu tema.

Para maiores detalhes veja os screenshots, exibidos em forma de galeria, que contêm os procedimentos para configurar o plugin e criar suas instâncias.


  • Para exibir o título de um widget de uma determinada aba (sidebarTab) retire do argumento “Before Title” correspondente a classe “widget_title”.
  • Para customizar o conteúdo de uma aba (sidebarTab) basta acrescentar no argumento “Before Widget” correspondente uma classe CSS que você utiliza em seu tema conforme mostrado a seguir: class=’widget %2$s nome_da_classe‘.


  • Se o upgrade não for realizado pelo procedimento automático do WordPress, desative o plugin e substitua os arquivos;
  • Vá para “Configurações” > “sidebarTabs”, clique em “sidebarTabs Options”, ajuste as opções e salve;
  • Defina os novos parâmetros da instância já criada ou crie outras em “Aparência” > “Widgets” de acordo com sua conveniência e salve, seguindo os procedimentos indicados nos screenshots.


  • Version 2.0.1 (02-11-2010)
    • Corrigido o erro quando duas instâncias verticais são criadas e apenas uma funcionava corretamente. Erro indicado por Harold nos comentários, obrigado;
    • Corrigido o erro no arquivo CSS (styleSidebar.php): peso da fonte das abas;
    • Criada uma opção para customizar o fundo das abas verticais: padrão e de acordo com as cores definidas para as abas (preview);
  • Version 2.0 (31-10-2009)
    • Incluída a possibilidade de criação de múltiplas instâncias;
    • Exibição das instâncias em layout horizontal e vertical;
    • Seleção dos cantos das abas entre 18 opções com o uso do plugin jQuery Corner;
    • Parametrização da fonte das abas: peso, tamanho e família.
  • Version 1.3.1 (03-10-2009)
    • Corrigido erro no arquivo CSS do plugin – posição das setas no layout “rolável sem ícones”.
  • 1.3 (27-09-2009)Introduzida a possibilidade de escolha para exibição da interface do plugin. Agora, você pode selecionar o layout entre as quatro opções a seguir:
    1. Abas fixas sem ícones,
    2. Abas fixas com ícones,
    3. Abas roláveis sem ícones,
    4. Abas roláveis com ícones.
  • Versão 1.1.2 (18-09-2009)
    • Pequenas alterações no arquivo de tradução para o Português do Brasil.
    • Corrigido erros na folha de estilos do plugin. Exemplos: a cor do texto nos painéis e na instrução li:before usada em alguns temas.
    • Corrigido erro no preview das abas ativa, inativa e mouse over na “sidebarTabs Options”.
    • Incluída a opção “Cor do texto nos painéis”. Veja “sidebarTabs Options”.
  • Versão 1.1.1 (13-09-2009)
    • Corrigido erro ao carregar a biblioteca jQuery Tools.
  • Versão 1.1 (10-09-2009)
    • Introduzido o uso de abas roláveis.
    • Alterações na interface do plugin.
    • Incluído arquivo (po/mo) de tradução para o Português do Brasil

Put widgets into tabbed interface in sidebar.

Allow the creation and insertion in the sidebar of his blog of instances the plugin which can, each, contain the desired number of tabs in horizontal or vertical. Each tab works as a “container” for any other widget of WordPress. For example, you can create a tab for the most recent comments, one for recent posts, one for categories, and so on, for a given instance of the plugin (widget).


  • Multiple instances;
  • The layout of each instance can be defined as horizontal or vertical;
  • Layout of tabs – horizontal instance: fixed without icons, fixed with icons, scrollable without icons and scrollable with icons;
  • Possibility to select the corners of the tabs between 18 options generated by jQuery Corner plugin;
  • Definition of font weight, font size and font family of tabs for the instances vertical and horizontal without icons.



The sidebarTabs uses for its functionality:


  1. Go to WordPress admin panel, and use the “Add new” option under Plugins Menu. Click on the “upload” item, choose the “sidebarTabs” zip file you downloaded and click on the “install now” button.
  2. All you need to do after that is navigate to your blog’s administration panel, go in the plugins section and enable sidebarTabs.
  3. For more information, see the “Installing Plugins” article on the WordPress Codex.
  4. See the next item for additional instructions.


  1. Drag the widgets that compose the sidebarTabs to the area of Inactive Widgets under “Design” > “Widgets”, settings and always save.
  2. Go to “Settings” > “sidebarTabs” and settings the standard arguments (args Default button) according to the needs of your theme.
  3. Click in “sidebarTabs Options” to adjust the colors of your tabs and other parameters.
  4. Create tabs by clicking in the button “Create New sidebarTabs”.
  5. Now, sidebarTabs can be used as regular widgets under “Design” > “Widgets”, where you can create as many instances you want by dragging it and placing it in the existing sidebars in your theme.

For more details see the screenshots, display as a gallery, which contains the procedures to configure the plugin and create their instances.


  • To display the title of a widget in a particular tab (sidebarTab) remove of argument “Before Title” correspondent, the class “widget_title”.
  • To customize panel of a tab just add in the argument “Before Widget” correspondent, a CSS class that you use in your theme as shown following: class=’widget %2$s name_of_class‘.


  • If the upgrade is not performed by the automatic procedure of WordPress, deactivate the plugin and replace the files;
  • Go to “Settings > sidebarTabs”, click in “sidebarTabs Options” to adjust the values and save it;
  • Set the new parameters of the instance already created or create others in “Design”> “Widgets” according to your convenience and save, following the procedures indicated in the screenshots.


  • Version 3.0 (05-01-2010)
    • Added option “Layout of horizontal tabs” in the instance of the plugin;
    • Added option to remember the last open tab (cookies);
    • Added option to set the expiration time for cookies;
    • For more details on the changes in this version go to page Plugin sidebarTabs 3.0.
  • Version 2.1 (03-06-2010)
    • Added the option “Display in sidebar” in the instance of the plugin;
    • Implemented new uses of the plugin. See further details and an example;
    • Added in the parameter “Background of vertical tabs” in “sidebarTabs Options” the option “Normal”;
    • Added the parameter “Background of horizontal tabs” in “sidebarTabs Options” with values “gradient” and “normal”;
    • Added a field in the “sidebarTabs Options” to include the margin (CSS) of the instances of plugin.
  • Version 2.0.1 (02-11-2010)
    • Fixed bug where two vertical instances are created and only one worked correctly. Error indicated by Harold in the comments, thanks;
    • Fixed bug in the CSS file (styleSidebar.php): font-weight of tabs;
    • Created an option to customize the background of vertical tabs: standard and in accordance with the definition of colors the tabs (preview).
  • Version 2.0 (31-10-2009)
    • Including the possibility of creating multiple instances;
    • Display the instances in horizontal and vertical layout;
    • Selection of the corners the tabs between 18 options using the jQuery Corner plugin;
    • Parameterization of font the tabs: weight, size and family.
  • Version 1.3.1 (10-03-2009)
    • Fixed bug in the css stylesheet file of plugin – position of arrows in layout “Scrollable without icons”.
  • Version 1.3 (09-27-2009)Introduced the possibility to choice of display layout of plugin interface. Now, you can choose the layout among of the four options below:
    1. Fixed tabs without icons,
    2. Fixed tabs with icons,
    3. Scrollable tabs without icons,
    4. Scrollable tabs with icons.
  • Version 1.2 (09-21-2009)
    • Introduced possibility of use icons in the tabs instead name.
  • Version 1.1.2 (09-18-2009)
    • Small corrections in the file translation for the Portuguese of Brazil.
    • Fixed errors in the css stylesheet of plugin. Examples: the text color in the panes and the li:before instruction used in some themes.
    • Fixed bug in the preview of the tabs active, inactive and mouse over in the “sidebarTabs Options”.
    • Included the option “Text color in the panes”. See “sidebarTabs Options”.
  • Version 1.1.1 (09-13-2009)
    • Fixed bug in loading jQuery Tools library.
  • Version 1.1 (09-10-2009)
    • Introduced the use of scrollable tabs.
    • Changes in the plugin interface.
    • Included files (po/mo) translation to Portuguese of Brazil.

Evento: Plugin sidebarTabs - Multiple Instances


172 Comentários

  1. Blog Crohn
    jan 15, 2010 @ 16:00:14

    Hola Newton, si molesta que le escriba en español, pido disculpas de antemano, mi inglés es muy malo.

    La versión anterior me iba perfectamente en modo horizontal con slide e iconos. He actualizado desde la administración wp y ahora no aparece en en configuración –> opciones, la posibilidad de habilitar o deshabilitar JQuery como en la imagen del comentario #3.

    He desactivado y eliminado el plugin y lo he subido de nuevo (esta vez por FTP) y no consigo que funcione (solamente en modo vertical, modo horizontal no funciona).
    He probado muchas combinaciones tanto en modo horizontal como en modo vertical y no he obtenido resultados positivos, por eso mi consulta. Lo que si he constatado es que hay un problema con las imágenes y no las muestra

    DE momento lo he dejado en modo vertical que es la única manera que visualmente queda bien, pero me gustaría poder ponerlo horizontalmente. Puede verlo en la primera barra de la derecha, arriba si clica en mi nick.

    Es problema mío? que puede ser?

    Le dejo algunas imágenes para ayudar a mi explicación visualmente:

    Quedo agradecido de antemano a la espera de ayuda.

    PD. Uso WP versión 2.9


  2. Nicole
    jan 05, 2010 @ 01:08:33

    I was able to customize and see a correctly-functioning “preview” of my tabs in my admin panel, but on the web site it only shows the tabs themselves: they don’t open when clicked.

    Also, is there a way to set it so that one of the tabs is always active, by default?

    Thanks for your help and for an awesome plugin!


  3. Harald
    jan 04, 2010 @ 17:18:02

    Hi again
    Happy New Year. I am sorry to bother you again, but I have a new problem. I upgraded too 2.0.2 without a problem. The plugin re-activated the way it normally does, but when I look at the site it is far from normal any longer. What happens is that all three vertical tabs are open, I can close them but when I refresh they are all open again. The other thing is that I can not get rid of the widget title of the three widgets. When I check that box in your widget the check mark is there but it goes away after update. My site is still not published so it is not possible to look at the problem for the moment. I use WP 2.9.
    Take care,
    PS I still love this plugin. It is one of the best all categories. DS


  4. M. Bashir Al-Noimi
    dez 28, 2009 @ 04:24:28

    I tried to run sidebartabs in my RTL blog (in Arabic) but I noticed that sidebartabs doesn’t support multi-directions so I modified styleSidebar.php manually for fixing this issue, but it didn’t fix the whole problem because I noticed that sidebartabs shows a strange padding on top of sidebartabs widget as shown in the following image:

    So is there any ability to help me in this issue?


  5. Jamie
    dez 27, 2009 @ 04:17:51

    All the widgets go in the sideBar plugin widget, but all the widgets display below them, so they are in the right sidebar twice, this defeats the purpose and actually makes it impossible to use this plugin.


  6. Newton de Góes Horta
    dez 26, 2009 @ 12:30:08


    Replace the line 321 in the sidebarTabs.php file:

    clickable: true


    clickable: true,
    keyboard: false

    Please let me know if the changes worked according to your needs.


  7. Brent
    dez 24, 2009 @ 11:23:49

    Hi, I was curious if there is a way to disable the plugin feature which uses the left and right keyboard keys to switch to the next/previous tab? Its creating problems for our users when they edit their comments.


  8. Mohan
    dez 16, 2009 @ 04:13:54

    thanks for a great plugin. I want to use this plugin apart from the widgets section. Example, I want to use it outside sidebar. Is is possible to call this plugin with a php script snippet? If so, please share details.


  9. Todd
    dez 15, 2009 @ 17:18:51

    Great plugin. It solved a conflict we were having with other tabbed options for the sidebar. One question: In most browsers it looks great, but on Safari there is a gap between the tabs and content box. Any idea on how to eliminate that? Thanks.


  10. Newton de Góes Horta
    dez 08, 2009 @ 22:28:46


    Is not a plugin, but a template that uses the jQuery Tools plugin. You know the postTabs plugin (see link above)? Perhaps it meets your needs.


  11. nobody
    dez 07, 2009 @ 10:21:38


    Guess what. I just found a plugin – WordPress Tabs Slides – which did the job for me. If you don’t mind, however, I still would like to know how you made your posts tabbed.

    Thanks again!


  12. nobody
    dez 07, 2009 @ 10:01:40

    Hi there,

    Thanks so much for this plugin! I really like it, which makes my sidebar much much neater.

    Now I have a question unrelated to the plugin. How did you make your posts tabbed (in different languages)? Did you use any plugin?

    Thank you!


  13. Caroline Beckham
    dez 06, 2009 @ 17:49:23

    Eu nunca consigo usar essa side bar Tabs…sempre fica defeituoso o site


  14. Mark
    dez 05, 2009 @ 22:00:17


    I’ve been playing around with your WP plugin and can’t figure out how to give each tab it’s own category (Tab A = 3, Tab B = 4 etc..)

    Can you help me out?



  15. ivan
    nov 27, 2009 @ 04:15:45

    my problem solved ! . My mistake, i miss the first step as you mentioned, and now it works great !

    thanks a lot for your help…


  16. John
    nov 23, 2009 @ 22:44:01

    Hello, and many thanks for your work! I got the plugin to work well inside my admin world, the preview is elegant, but on a live sidebar the tabs display, but the content supposed to be under them will not become visible. You can see it on the right sidebar here:

    The content is just unordered lists of internal links, formatted correctly. Actually, the links are the same as in the top menu navigation (pixopoint which also use suckerfish, suckerfish css is embedded into my site CSS, if that has something to say).

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated


  17. ivan
    nov 23, 2009 @ 02:04:25

    this is a great plug in.
    but still i have a problem. The sidebartabs plugin didn`t show any widget i put in there (comment,recent post,etc),unless if i put the same widget in the side bar. how could i fix this?

    thx in advance


  18. KOKO
    nov 15, 2009 @ 13:38:29

    Sorry, but i get the syntax error when doing your replacement. So i just commented them with //


  19. KOKO
    nov 15, 2009 @ 13:30:58

    Tank you very muchaaa!


  20. Newton de Góes Horta
    nov 13, 2009 @ 19:45:21


    I sent twice email with the information below:

    Replace the following lines in the file sidebarTabs.php:

    194: wp_enqueue_script(‘tools’, plugins_url(‘sidebartabs/js/’), array(‘jquery’), ‘1.1.0’);
    195: wp_enqueue_script(‘corner’, plugins_url(‘sidebartabs/js/jquery.corner.js’), array(‘jquery’), ‘2.01’);


    wp_enqueue_script(‘tools’, plugins_url(‘sidebartabs/js/’), array(‘jquery’), ‘1.1.0’,true);
    wp_enqueue_script(‘corner’, plugins_url(‘sidebartabs/js/jquery.corner.js’), array(‘jquery’), ‘2.01’,true);

    It is necessary that your theme has in the footer.php file the code:


  21. Koko
    nov 13, 2009 @ 09:13:40


    How do i remove auto insert javascript’s in header??? I want to put javascripts’s in footer!


  22. shira
    nov 12, 2009 @ 03:46:53

    Help please. Trying to implement sidebartabs and it seems I’m doing something terribly wrong…



  23. KOKO
    nov 10, 2009 @ 18:43:25

    How do i remove auto insert javascript’s in header??? I want to put javascripts’s in footer!


  24. 6 trendów w szablonach WordPress, czyli jak być na czasie | Sekrety WordPress
    nov 07, 2009 @ 23:31:38

    […] sidebarTabs – można umieszczać istniejące wtyczki do modułu zakładek […]


  25. Agata
    nov 07, 2009 @ 15:21:49

    Hi! thanks for sharing this usefull plugin.
    I would like use in the top sidebar. but i can’t add widget in it. is it possible to have a code to write in php file?
    thanks a lot.


  26. Gustavo Rodrigues
    nov 06, 2009 @ 13:41:05

    Olá estou com um problema com o plugin. Intalei ele direitno, configurei tudo, na preview ele aparece normalmente, do jeito que eu quero, mais qundo visualizo o blog, tá as abas, mais quando clico nela não aparece nada, e o estrenho é que no link do blog quando clico fica assim:


    O que deve estar acontecendo, se pude me ajudar.


  27. Ivan
    nov 03, 2009 @ 22:06:36

    I just want to thank you for helping me to solve my problem and for this great plugin. Keeep up good work!



  28. qoob
    nov 03, 2009 @ 05:42:45

    Unfortunately I can’t get rid of a background image on my tabs (images/h30.png). I can of course delete that file but i thing it’s a little bug in this plugin (ver. 2.0.1).
    Any ideas?


  29. Ivan
    nov 03, 2009 @ 05:35:26

    After update horizontal layout not working. -.-


  30. qoob
    nov 03, 2009 @ 05:21:17

    @Duane Poncy: I’ve foud this option in “widgets” panel. Just change to vertical, click save, change back to horizontal, click save – it works for me.


  31. Aguero
    nov 02, 2009 @ 22:48:07

    I have the same problem with

    Warning: fopen(/home/****/public_html//wp-content/plugins/sidebartabs/styleSidebar_icons.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sidebartabs/sidebarTabs_admin.php on line 525

    Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sidebartabs/sidebarTabs_admin.php on line 528

    ALSO it’s not working correctly when viewing PAGE’S, some tabs showing, some tabs not showing, and titles disappear.


  32. Duane Poncy
    nov 02, 2009 @ 17:42:45

    Where do I find the option for horizontal tabs? They seem to be missing. Also, on a WPMU install, the “edit” buttons for tabs point back to the root instead of my blog, producing an error.

    I have updated to 2.01.


  33. YourDealz
    nov 02, 2009 @ 16:05:25

    I use the newest Version with WP 2.8.5 – but if i change the Sidebar to a Sidebar with icons – it doesn’t show any icons :(

    What can I do?


  34. Harald
    nov 02, 2009 @ 08:48:45

    If I put two “sidebar tab” widgets in the same sidebar, both show but only one works. I use the vertical option. Is it me or do we have a bug here?
    PS This is exactly the widget I was looking for. Great job.DS


    • Newton de Góes Horta
      nov 02, 2009 @ 10:41:52

      Hi @Harald,
      It is a bug, really. I will be correcting and publishing a new version. Thank you very much.


  35. Duane Poncy
    nov 01, 2009 @ 19:45:20

    I can find no option to keep my small horizontal tabs. How do I do this? I don’t like the new tabs.


  36. sidebarTabs | > Wordpress Eklentileri
    out 31, 2009 @ 06:08:13

    […] Eklenti Ana Sayfası […]


  37. qoob
    out 28, 2009 @ 06:05:16

    How can I change the font size, margin, etc. ?? Maybe you could add css file for this?


  38. MylilMagic
    out 25, 2009 @ 20:29:34

    I keep getting an error when I want to add any content to the plugin.

    I have the newest wp version (2.9) and I use your newest version of your plugin/widget.

    Warning: fopen(/home/****/public_html//wp-content/plugins/sidebartabs/styleSidebar_icons.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sidebartabs/sidebarTabs_admin.php on line 525

    Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sidebartabs/sidebarTabs_admin.php on line 528

    tried to deactivate and activate again. Did not work.
    then I removed the plugin and installed it again..but the error is still there..

    Hope you can help..


  39. Dave and Deb
    out 22, 2009 @ 21:43:46

    It was working on my site 2 days ago and then I updated and it does not work anymore. It shows the tabs but not the content. It shows that it is good in the options but not on the actual blog page.
    I love this plugin please help.




  40. mugger
    out 21, 2009 @ 20:55:02

    I installed, set 2 tabs for Pages & Links.
    1. Why start with Pages-2? Where’s Pages-1?
    2. Why is nothing shown in either tab?
    I added back the original widgets to see they DO work.


  41. Carlos
    out 21, 2009 @ 19:29:24

    Still no luck. Strange. You can email me personally if it’s easier. I really, really appreciate your help. Like I said before, it’s a fantastic plugin.


  42. Newton de Góes Horta
    out 21, 2009 @ 18:27:34


    Through the source code of your blog I verified that the jQuery library is loaded. In sidebarTabs Options:

    jQuery 1.3.2.min (Check ‘Yes’ if is not used in the blog)

    select ‘No’, save, load your page and report the result.


  43. Carlos
    out 21, 2009 @ 12:39:10

    The plugin looks great, however it doesn’t seem to be working on my site. Here’s an example:

    I moved the sidebarTabs widget to the bottom of the list so it doesn’t interfere with the other sidebar widegets. Thanks so much in advance.


  44. Tosh
    out 16, 2009 @ 13:02:24

    When I go into the options, and select a layout.

    Fixed without icons
    Fixed with icons
    Scrollable without icons
    Scrollable with icons

    Whatever one I select I get a javascript pop-up with the message “erro”

    The tabs work in a way. But it just shows the text, not pretty. I’m not able to make it show icons at all.

    Any ideas?


  45. Gareth
    out 15, 2009 @ 20:59:06

    Hi great plugin thank you. How do I add content to each tab? The supertab shows 3 tabs but I cannot add content to each tab.

    I have read the instructions but cannot find an answer. thank you


  46. Newton de Góes Horta
    out 12, 2009 @ 20:20:33


    Thanks for your suggestions. Surely they will be analysed and implemented in new versions. Now, I’m working in the version that allow more than one instance of the plugin, without changing its basic structure. The definition of the tabs that compose each instance of plugin will be made with base in the orders of sidebarTabs created in the plugin interface. Per example: instance 1 – 1,3,5 (orders of sidebarTabs), instance 2 – 2,4,6… Already is in final development for layout “Fixed without icons”. I hope you have understood, since my written English is not very good.


  47. alaJoAnn
    out 12, 2009 @ 17:31:04

    SidebarTabs is a nice plugin. It’s attractive and easy to use. But I’d love to do more with it. In your next revision, perhaps you might consider the following options:

    1) Allow it to be used more than once on a page.
    2) Offer choice of vertical or horizontal layout.
    3) Offer more font editing, to better coordinate with a blog’s widgets and navigation bar.

    A lot of people used to like the Tabbed Widget plugin, but it does not work with WordPress 2.8+ and it is unclear whether or not the author is currently working on an update. I don’t know if it would be worth your time, but you could make so many people happy if you were to develop SidebarTabs to fulfill the need for a really versatile sidebar plugin.


  48. Newton de Góes Horta
    out 12, 2009 @ 16:17:10


    In development a new version of plugin that includes the possibility of choice the edge of tabs using plugin jQuery Corner. See the image below:


  49. Ralf
    out 12, 2009 @ 11:47:45

    Really nice plugin. How can I get the rounded edges when I use “fixed without icons”?


  50. Про плагіни | Bебмайстер з Городка
    out 11, 2009 @ 10:59:38

    […] Sidebar Tabs – створює віджети у таблицях […]


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